


View the slides from the May 6, 2021 Town Hall. The presentation outlines the draft commitments and values of the Strategic Plan.

战略规划 利益相关者反馈报告

Read complete analysis of the feedback from both the Stakeholder Meetings and the campus-wide survey distributed in February 2021.

战略规划 Steering Committee (SPSC) Data Analysis Subcommittee Report Draft

这个文档, 目前处于草案状态, is meant to help guide the SPSC as it seeks to develop measurable goals and activities that will bring our vision to fruition. Feedback on this document is welcome and should be sent to stratcommittee@slim-figure.net.



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2021年3月1日: 学生调查

2021年2月19日: 二月利益相关者会议时间表

2021年2月8日和17日: 战略规划 Town Hall - Save the Date



We are writing today to introduce you to 基督教社会联盟DH's 战略规划 Steering Committee (SPSC), to provide you with a brief overview of what the committee has been up to since the Committee members were appointed, 以及我们的下一步是什么.

We'd like to begin by thanking all who applied to participate on the SPSC. 我们(从好的方面)被压垮了!) with the number and quality of applicants and nominations; selections for the committee were made to bring a balance of experience, 专业知识, 以及对委员会的看法. 委员会名单可以在这里找到. ​We thank those on it for agreeing to bring their talents, 专业知识, and brainpower to this work.

总统 Parham officially charged the SPSC on September 4, 2020 with leading the campus through a collaborative, 包容, and 透明的 process to define who we are as a campus community, 我们要去哪里, and what steps we need to take in order to establish 基督教社会联盟DH as a nationally recognized model for a public, 城市大学. We have since met weekly to analyze the accomplishments from the last strategic plan and cull any lessons learned from that process, to engage collaboratively in ideation activities related to envisioning 基督教社会联盟DH as THE model for a 城市大学, 并进行SWOT分析. 接下来的几个星期, we will work to develop a timeline and communication plan for the work of the SPSC and to establish subcommittees and workplans for these subcommittees. 到十一月中下旬, we hope to launch a website to keep the campus abreast of our activities and to begin holding focus groups and other data gathering and feedback sessions that will engage the entire campus community in helping us to define the future of 基督教社会联盟DH.

In the meantime, we are in the process of 搜索ing for a consultant to assist us in this process. 当我们, 作为SPSC的联合主席, are committed to facilitating a strategic planning process that is owned and driven by the campus community and our community partners, we are hoping to secure a consultant who can assist us in analyzing the data we collect from our campus constituents and in developing implementation and assessment plans that will chart the path to achieving the aspirational goals we set for ourselves. We will keep you posted as this process unfolds.

Thank you in advance for bringing your passion and perspective to the development of 基督教社会联盟DH's next strategic plan. We, 作为一个委员会, 做好开放的准备, 透明的, and collaborative as possible and we are counting you for your engagement and participation. 如果你有什么意见, 问题, 建议, 或担忧, 请随时与我们联系. We truly welcome any and all feedback and are looking forward to working with you in the weeks and months ahead!


Co-chairs, 基督教社会联盟DH 战略规划 Steering Committee

May 2020, 2020: 战略规划 Steering Committee Invitation - Deadline Extended


发件人:托马斯A. Parham Ph值.D.

We are approaching the conclusion of the current Dominguez Hills Strategic Plan (2014-2020) entitled, “定义我们的未来”, and preparing to move forward to define who we are, 我们要去哪里, and what intentional planning will advance us to the University’s next Strategic Plan. Continued challenges and competitive demands will need to be addressed with strategic and creative approaches if the University will succeed in its aspiration of becoming a national model for a public urban university.

As we commence this effort, I have asked Kim Costino, Ph.D., Dean of Undergraduate studies, and Matthew Smith,Ph.D., 临时学生事务主任, to serve as co-chairs of the University 战略规划 Steering Committee, 他们欣然同意了. We need additional individuals; however, who care deeply about the future of this institution and are prepared to lend their talents, 专业知识, and brain-power to propel our Toro Nation forward.

所有stakeholders-staff, 教师, 学生, and key external partners and supporters—are critical as we engage in this collaborative effort. 因此, we are soliciting dedicated partners to serve on the 战略规划 Steering Committee, 还有Kim和Matt. 如果你对服事有兴趣, 或者想提名一位同事, 征得他们的同意, please complete the attached form and direct nominations to Deborah Roberson, 参谋长, 总统办公室, 以下电子邮件地址 办公室ofthe总统@slim-figure.net.

As the academic year comes to a close, many of you have been focused on end of semester activities. 以确保学生, 教师 and staff have an opportunity to submit a nomination, the deadline is being extended to May 26th end of day.